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Uncontested Divorce Often Is In Everybody’s Best Interests

Uncontested Divorce

There is no requirement that divorce be stressful. While disagreements may arise, an uncontested divorce reduces stress while saving time and expense. An uncontested divorce allows couples to work out their disagreements prior to filing divorce. Such a process also leads to a more amicable dissolution of the marriage, which prevents lasting damage to family relationships.

The attorneys at Faulhaber Family Law, LLC, work with couples open to an uncontested divorce. We explain the process to couples and works on ironing out disagreements. In many instances, we utilize mediation and the collaborative divorce process to obtain uncontested divorces for those we represent. This allows couples to timely and inexpensively resolve any remaining disagreements. By working in this manner, spouses can walk away from the marriage with their dignity intact.

Looking Out For The Best Interests Of The Children

Regardless of how two spouses feel toward each other during the divorce process, it’s vital to make certain the needs of the children are taken into account. Too often, divorcing couples needlessly injure the children when they are caught up in the middle of disputes.

Any plan that we put together for you will be tailor-made to fit the circumstances of the entire family. Through the uncontested divorce process, couples can put together an arrangement that best meets the needs of their children. Couples can also stipulate regarding the best way to raise the children. We can prepare agreements with stipulations regarding otherwise disputed child custody, visitation and child support issues.

Other Advantages Of An Uncontested Divorce

Couples going through uncontested divorce who have retained Tamar Faulhaber as a lawyer have found:

  • Their issues resolved without having to go to court.
  • Savings in time and money because there was no need to hire expert witnesses to testify at trial.
  • There was no need to reveal personal information during court hearings.
  • Their uncontested divorce was resolved quickly.
  • The uncontested divorce gave each spouse much more control regarding the division of assets and debts, and in carefully crafting a parenting plan.

Contact Contact Faulhaber Family Law, LLC,to find out whether an uncontested divorce option is available for you. For an initial consultation, call 678-436-5126. Our office is in Alpharetta, Georgia.